On Demand Sneaker Cleaning Service
Sneakers, Style, Sustainability
How it Works
Book from App
Download our mobile application for your Apple or Android device. Create an account and submit your order.
Pickup and Delivery
We partner with DoorDash who will pickup and delivered at the address listed on your account. Contactless options available.
Secure Payment
Secure in app payment options ensures that you never have to worry about handling payment in person.
Delivery Partner
New York (2024)
Available pickup and delivery in Manhattan and surrounding areas.
Great Downtown Miami Area, South Beach, Brickell, Midtown
Zurich, Switzerland
Serving Zurich and surrounding areas.
Saskatoon, Canada
Serving Saskatoon and surrounding areas.
Have a great experience with our app, and want to let us know? Is something missing? We love hearing from our users!